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About Me


At age 21, I met a guy who completely won my attention and affection. He was attractive, tall, goofy, intelligent, and best of all he needed me. I saw his vulnerabilities, I saw his emotional wounds, and I thought to myself, “He needs me to help him become the man I know he can be.” Even though there were some red flags along the way, I covered them up with a veil of the fantasy version of him, the version of him I was going to change him into. Throughout the 3 year relationship, we fought the same battles, expecting different results. I felt stuck because I wasn’t sure if my standards were just too high or if this wasn’t the right relationship for me. Eventually, I decided to leave because I had been feeling alone in the relationship and nothing was changing.


I reflected a lot on this 3-year relationship and realized a couple of really important things. The first was that I hadn’t been very direct about my needs and wants in the relationship and then would feel disappointed and hurt when they weren’t met. 


I decided I’d begin taking power into my own hands by becoming a more direct communicator, someone who could artfully articulate their feelings, experience, and boundaries. I did this by diving into books, hearing professionals share their wisdom, and practicing out in the real world. This journey of discovering my personal power through my voice has been one of the most empowering experiences of my life.


The second big takeaway was that if I wanted a happy long-term relationship, I needed to let my Authentic Self shine! I had been trying to present myself in a certain way that I thought would be attractive instead of being my beautiful, unique, uninhibited self. The problem with this is that my connection with the other person was never truly genuine, and after a while, I felt lonely even while I was laying next to him.


So transparency became another personal goal. The more I practiced this, the more I realized that it ruled out a lot of people that I’d want to be close with. It also made it a lot more clear of who I could form genuine and fulfilling relationships with.


Going through all this growth energized me in a unique way. I realized that helping others improve their relationships by discovering their empowered selves was my calling. Click the button below to learn more about how I can serve you as your certified relationship coach. 


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