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Ask yourself if you...

  • struggle with communicating your emotions and needs directly and respectfully

  •  feel resentful, frustrated, on edge, burnt out, and confused in your relationships/dating life

  •  wonder if your standards are just too high

  •  don’t feel safe enough to be your authentic self in your relationships

  •  don’t know when to end a challenging relationship

  •  have suffered enough pain in your relationships are ready to take action

  •  are ready to take personal responsibility for the quality of your relationships

  •  are COMMITTED to transforming yourself and your relationships

Meet Your Certified Coach, Gabriella

When I think about what fulfills me, the first thing that comes up is often my close relationships. I think of the trust we’ve worked hard to build, the mutual kindness and grace we’ve shared, the tough conversations we stuck around for, and the acceptance and love we’ve shown to the other’s true self. Having people I can be myself around and count on means everything to me. I’m passionate about developing my Empowered Self because I know it will help me continue to nourish healthy relationships.

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Holding Plant
Germinated Plant

Dreams are the seeds to a growing reality. But only if we nurture them.

       Gabriella Karp

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